#include #include #include #include #include #include "evanix.h" #include "jobid.h" #include "solver_highs.h" #include "util.h" static int solver_highs_unwrapped(double *solution, struct job_clist *q, int32_t resources, struct jobid *jobid) { HighsInt precedence_index[2]; double precedence_value[2]; struct job *j; int ret; double *col_profit = NULL; double *col_lower = NULL; double *col_upper = NULL; HighsInt *integrality = NULL; void *highs = NULL; HighsInt *constraint_index = NULL; double *constraint_value = NULL; /* set objective */ col_profit = calloc(jobid->filled, sizeof(*col_profit)); if (col_profit == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); return -errno; } for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) { if (jobid->jobs[i]->requested) col_profit[i] = 1.0; } col_lower = calloc(jobid->filled, sizeof(*col_lower)); if (col_lower == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_col_profit; } col_upper = malloc(jobid->filled * sizeof(*col_lower)); if (col_upper == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_col_profit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) col_upper[i] = 1.0; highs = Highs_create(); if (evanix_opts.solver_report) ret = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag", 1); else ret = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag", 0); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } ret = Highs_addCols(highs, jobid->filled, col_profit, col_lower, col_upper, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } /* set resource constraint */ constraint_index = malloc(jobid->filled * sizeof(*constraint_index)); if (constraint_index == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_col_profit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) constraint_index[i] = i; constraint_value = malloc(jobid->filled * sizeof(*constraint_value)); if (constraint_value == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_col_profit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) { ret = job_cost(jobid->jobs[i]); if (ret < 0) return ret; constraint_value[i] = ret; } ret = Highs_addRow(highs, 0, resources, jobid->filled, constraint_index, constraint_value); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } /* set precedance constraints */ CIRCLEQ_FOREACH (j, q, clist) { for (size_t i = 0; i < j->deps_filled; i++) { /* follow the CSR matrix structure */ if (j->id < j->deps[i]->id) { precedence_index[0] = j->id; precedence_index[1] = j->deps[i]->id; precedence_value[0] = 1; precedence_value[1] = -1; } else { precedence_index[0] = j->deps[i]->id; precedence_index[1] = j->id; precedence_value[0] = -1; precedence_value[1] = 1; } ret = Highs_addRow(highs, -INFINITY, 0, 2, precedence_index, precedence_value); } } /* run milp solver */ ret = Highs_changeObjectiveSense(highs, kHighsObjSenseMaximize); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } integrality = malloc(jobid->filled * sizeof(*integrality)); if (integrality == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_col_profit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) integrality[i] = 1; ret = Highs_changeColsIntegralityByMask(highs, integrality, integrality); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } ret = Highs_run(highs); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } ret = Highs_getSolution(highs, solution, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret != kHighsStatusOk) { print_err("%s", "highs did not return kHighsStatusOk"); ret = -EPERM; goto out_free_col_profit; } Highs_destroy(highs); out_free_col_profit: free(col_profit); free(col_lower); free(col_upper); free(integrality); free(constraint_value); free(constraint_index); return ret; } static int job_get(struct job **job, struct job_clist *q) { struct job *j; CIRCLEQ_FOREACH (j, q, clist) { if (j->stale) continue; *job = j; return job_cost_recursive(j); } print_err("%s", "empty queue"); return -ESRCH; } int solver_highs(struct job **job, struct job_clist *q, int32_t resources) { static bool solved = false; struct jobid *jobid = NULL; double *solution = NULL; struct job *j; int ret = 0; if (solved) goto out_free_jobid; ret = jobid_init(q, &jobid); if (ret < 0) return ret; solution = malloc(jobid->filled * sizeof(*solution)); if (solution == NULL) { print_err("%s", strerror(errno)); ret = -errno; goto out_free_jobid; } ret = solver_highs_unwrapped(solution, q, resources, jobid); if (ret < 0) goto out_free_jobid; for (size_t i = 0; i < jobid->filled; i++) { if (solution[i] == 0.0) job_stale_set(jobid->jobs[i]); } if (evanix_opts.solver_report) { CIRCLEQ_FOREACH (j, q, clist) { if (j->stale) { printf("❌ refusing to build %s, cost: %d\n", j->drv_path, job_cost_recursive(j)); } } } solved = true; out_free_jobid: jobid_free(jobid); free(solution); if (ret < 0) return ret; else return job_get(job, q); }