blob: 22f9c2d11ea4ec11ab68f4274def23c8c1adbe4f (
plain) (
{ config, pkgs, ... }: let
ipv6 = "2001:470:ee65::1337";
domain =;
username =;
email = [
credentials_directory = "/run/credentials/stalwart-mail.service";
in {
security.acme.certs.${domain}.postRun = "systemctl restart stalwart-mail.service";
sops.secrets = {
"mail.${domain}/dkim_rsa" = {};
"mail.${domain}/dkim_ed25519" = {};
"mail.${domain}/password" = {};
}; = [
services.postgresql = {
ensureDatabases = [ "stalwart" ];
ensureUsers = [{
name = "stalwart";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
services.stalwart-mail = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
# foundation db is too big to build on a 32GB ram machine, good job
# trillion dollar company, proud of you
package = pkgs.stalwart-mail.overrideAttrs {
buildNoDefaultFeatures = true;
buildFeatures = [ "postgres" ];
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
# some tests fails with -lfdb_c: No such file, just disable this for row
# probably because of not including foundationdb, upstream has this
# enabled so it's not the end of the world
doCheck = false;
settings = {
queue.outbound = {
ip-strategy = "ipv6_then_ipv4";
source-ip.v6 = "['${ipv6}']";
tls.starttls = "optional";
server.listener = {
smtp = {
bind = [ "[${ipv6}]:25" "" ];
protocol = "smtp";
submission = {
bind = "[::]:587";
protocol = "smtp";
submissions = {
bind = "[::]:465";
protocol = "smtp";
tls.implicit = true;
imaptls = {
bind = "[::]:993";
protocol = "imap";
tls.implicit = true;
http = {
bind = "[::]:8085";
protocol = "http";
signature = {
rsa = {
private-key = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/dkim_rsa}%";
inherit domain;
selector = "rsa";
headers = ["From" "To" "Date" "Subject" "Message-ID"];
algorithm = "rsa-sha-256";
canonicalization = "simple/simple";
set-body-length = true;
expire = "2d";
report = true;
ed25519 = {
private-key = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/dkim_ed25519}%";
inherit domain;
selector = "ed25519";
headers = ["From" "To" "Date" "Subject" "Message-ID"];
algorithm = "ed25519-sha256";
canonicalization = "simple/simple";
set-body-length = true;
expire = "2d";
report = true;
certificate."default" = {
cert = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/cert}%";
private-key = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/key}%";
storage = {
data = "postgresql";
fts = "postgresql";
blob = "postgresql";
lookup = "postgresql";
directory = "memory";
store.postgresql = {
type = "postgresql";
host = "localhost";
database = "stalwart";
user = "stalwart";
timeout = "15s";
tls.enable = false;
pool.max-connections = 10;
directory."memory" = {
type = "memory";
principals = [
class = "admin";
name = username;
secret = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/password}%";
inherit email;
{ # for mta-sts & dmarc reports
class = "individual";
name = "reports";
secret = "%{file:${credentials_directory}/password}%";
email = [ "reports@${domain}" ];