#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libnpass/gpg.h" #include "libnpass/libnpass.h" #include "libnpass/util.h" #include "util.h" #define DEF_PASS_DIR "pass" #define DEF_STOR_SIZE 64 #define FPR_MAX NAME_MAX static char pass_dir[PATH_MAX] = {0}; const char *pass_gen_set[] = { "0123456789", "0123456789" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "0123456789" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~", }; static int openstore(const char *spath, DIR **dirp); static int readstore(DIR *dirp, struct store *s); static int is_storeobj(struct dirent *dir); static int set_pass_dir(void); static int set_pass_dir(void) { struct stat statbuf; const char *env; int r; env = getenv("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"); if (env) { strncpy(pass_dir, env, sizeof(pass_dir) - 1); return 0; } /* * for backward compatibility with original pass */ env = getenv("HOME"); if (env) { r = snprintf(pass_dir, sizeof(pass_dir), "%s/%s", env, ".password-store"); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r > sizeof(pass_dir)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); r = stat(pass_dir, &statbuf); if (!r) return 0; } env = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (env) { r = snprintf(pass_dir, sizeof(pass_dir), "%s/%s", env, DEF_PASS_DIR); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r > sizeof(pass_dir)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); return 0; } env = getenv("HOME"); if (env) { r = snprintf(pass_dir, sizeof(pass_dir), "%s/%s/%s", env, ".local/share", DEF_PASS_DIR); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r > sizeof(pass_dir)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); return 0; } return -EINVAL; } static int is_storeobj(struct dirent *dir) { char *s; int r; switch (dir->d_type) { case DT_DIR: r = strcmp(dir->d_name, "."); if (r) r = strcmp(dir->d_name, ".."); return r; break; case DT_REG: s = strrchr(dir->d_name, '.'); if (!s) return 0; r = strcmp(s, ".gpg"); return (r == 0); break; default: return 0; break; } } int pass_store_cmp(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct store *sp1, *sp2; sp1 = (struct store *)vp1; sp2 = (struct store *)vp2; return strcmp(sp1->name, sp2->name); } int pass_store_type(const char *spath) { char abs_path[PATH_MAX]; struct stat sbuf; int r; r = set_pass_dir(); if (r < 0) return_err(-EINVAL, "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR must be set"); r = snprintf(abs_path, sizeof(abs_path), "%s/%s", pass_dir, (spath) ? spath : ""); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(abs_path)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); r = stat(abs_path, &sbuf); if (!r && (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) return PASS_STORE_DIR; r = snprintf(abs_path, sizeof(abs_path), "%s/%s.gpg", pass_dir, spath); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(abs_path)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); r = stat(abs_path, &sbuf); if (r < 0) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); if ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) { return PASS_STORE_ENC; } else { return_err(-EINVAL, "%s Not a regular file", abs_path); } } static int openstore(const char *spath, DIR **dirp) { pass_store_t store_type; char abs_path[PATH_MAX]; const char *path; int r; store_type = pass_store_type(spath); if (store_type != PASS_STORE_DIR) return (store_type < 0) ? store_type : -EINVAL; if (spath) { r = snprintf(abs_path, sizeof(abs_path), "%s/%s", pass_dir, spath); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(abs_path)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); path = abs_path; } else { path = pass_dir; } *dirp = opendir(path); if (!*dirp) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } static int readstore(DIR *dirp, struct store *s) { struct dirent *dir; do { errno = 0; dir = readdir(dirp); if (dir && is_storeobj(dir)) break; } while (dir); if (dir == NULL) { if (errno) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); return 1; } strcpy(s->name, dir->d_name); switch (dir->d_type) { case DT_DIR: s->type = PASS_STORE_DIR; break; case DT_REG: /* this is safe since is_storeobj() * rejects files without .gpg suffix */ *(strrchr(s->name, '.')) = '\0'; s->type = PASS_STORE_ENC; break; default: s->type = PASS_STORE_INV; break; } return 0; } int readstore_all(const char *path, struct store **stor) { int ret, size, len; DIR *dirp; void *p; size = DEF_STOR_SIZE; *stor = malloc(sizeof(struct store) * size); if (!*stor) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); ret = openstore(path, &dirp); if (ret < 0) { free(*stor); return ret; }; for (len = 0; !(ret = readstore(dirp, *stor + len)); len++) { if (len < size - 1) continue; size *= 2; p = realloc(*stor, sizeof(**stor) * size); if (p) { *stor = p; } else { free(*stor); return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); } } if (len == 0) free(*stor); return (ret < 0) ? ret : len; } int pass_init(const char *fpr) { char gpg_id_path[PATH_MAX]; FILE *gpg_id; int r, fpr_len; r = set_pass_dir(); if (r < 0) return_err(r, "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR must be set"); r = gpg_key_validate(fpr); if (r < 0) return_err(r, "Try gpg --full-generate-key"); r = r_mkdir(pass_dir, S_IRWXU); if (r < 0) return_err(r, "%s %s", pass_dir, strerror(errno)); r = snprintf(gpg_id_path, sizeof(gpg_id_path), "%s/%s", pass_dir, ".gpg-id"); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(gpg_id_path)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); gpg_id = fopen(gpg_id_path, "w"); if (!gpg_id) return_err(-errno, "%s %s", gpg_id_path, strerror(errno)); fpr_len = strlen(fpr); r = fwrite(fpr, sizeof(*fpr), fpr_len, gpg_id); fclose(gpg_id); if (r != fpr_len) return_err(-EPERM, "%s %s", gpg_id_path, "Write failed"); return 0; } int pass_cat(FILE *out, const char *path) { char pass_path[PATH_MAX]; int ret; ret = pass_store_type(path); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ret != PASS_STORE_ENC) return_err(-EINVAL, "%s is Not a password", path); ret = snprintf(pass_path, sizeof(pass_path), "%s/%s.gpg", pass_dir, path); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(pass_path)) return_err(-ENAMETOOLONG, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); return gpg_decrypt(out, pass_path); } ssize_t pass_getpass(char **lineptr, FILE *stream) { struct termios new, old; size_t len; ssize_t ret; ret = tcgetattr(fileno(stream), &old); if (ret < 0) return ret; new = old; new.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; ret = tcsetattr(fileno(stream), TCSAFLUSH, &new); if (ret < 0) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); len = 0; *lineptr = NULL; ret = getline(lineptr, &len, stream); if (ret < 0) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); else if (ret > 0 && (*lineptr)[ret - 1] == '\n') (*lineptr)[--ret] = '\0'; len = ret; ret = tcsetattr(fileno(stream), TCSAFLUSH, &old); if (ret < 0) { free(*lineptr); return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); } return len; } int pass_gen(pass_gen_t gen, char *pass, int len) { size_t pass_gen_len; FILE *rand; int ret; if (len <= 0) return_err(-EINVAL, "Small password"); rand = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r"); if (!rand) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); ret = fread(pass, sizeof(pass[0]), len, rand); if (ret != len) return_err(-EPERM, "Failed to read /dev/urandom"); pass_gen_len = strlen(pass_gen_set[gen]); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) pass[i] = pass_gen_set[gen][pass[i] % (pass_gen_len - 1)]; return 0; } int pass_add(const char *path, const char *pass, size_t n) { char gpg_id_path[PATH_MAX], fpr[FPR_MAX], pass_path[PATH_MAX]; FILE *gpg_id, *out_stream; char *p; int ret; ret = set_pass_dir(); if (ret < 0) return_err(ret, "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR must be set"); ret = snprintf(gpg_id_path, sizeof(gpg_id_path), "%s/%s", pass_dir, ".gpg-id"); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(gpg_id_path)) return_err(-EINVAL, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); gpg_id = fopen(gpg_id_path, "r"); if (!gpg_id) return_err(-errno, "%s %s", gpg_id_path, strerror(errno)); p = fgets(fpr, sizeof(fpr), gpg_id); if (!p) return_err(-EPERM, "Failed to read %s", gpg_id_path); fclose(gpg_id); util_strtrim(fpr); ret = gpg_key_validate(fpr); if (ret < 0) return_err(ret, "Invalid key , try gpg --list-keys"); /* TODO: guard against .*\.gpg\.gpg[/$] */ ret = snprintf(pass_path, sizeof(pass_path), "%s/%s.gpg", pass_dir, path); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(pass_path)) return_err(-errno, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); ret = r_mkdir(dirname(p), S_IRWXU); if (ret < 0) return ret; errno = 0; ret = access(pass_path, F_OK); if (errno != ENOENT) return_err(-EEXIST, "%s %s", path, strerror(EEXIST)); out_stream = fopen(pass_path, "w"); if (!out_stream) return_err(-errno, "%s", strerror(errno)); ret = gpg_encrypt(out_stream, fpr, pass, n); fclose(out_stream); return ret; } int pass_rm(const char *path) { char gpg_path[PATH_MAX], abs_path[PATH_MAX]; int ret = 0; ret = set_pass_dir(); if (ret < 0) return_err(ret, "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR must be set"); ret = snprintf(gpg_path, sizeof(gpg_path), "%s.gpg", path); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(gpg_path)) return_err(-EINVAL, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); ret = snprintf(abs_path, sizeof(gpg_path), "%s/%s", pass_dir, gpg_path); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(abs_path)) return_err(-EINVAL, "Path exceeded PATH_MAX"); /* TODO: guard against .*\.gpg\.gpg[/$] */ ret = unlink(abs_path); if (ret < 0) return_err(-errno, "%s %s", abs_path, strerror(errno)); return r_rmdir_empty(pass_dir, dirname(gpg_path)); }