/* Copyright 2011-2020 Bert Muennich * Copyright 2021-2022 nsxiv contributors * * This file is a part of nsxiv. * * nsxiv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * nsxiv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with nsxiv. If not, see . */ #include "nsxiv.h" #define INCLUDE_MAPPINGS_CONFIG #include "commands.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MODMASK(mask) ((mask) & USED_MODMASK) #define BAR_SEP " " #define TV_DIFF(t1,t2) (((t1)->tv_sec - (t2)->tv_sec ) * 1000 + \ ((t1)->tv_usec - (t2)->tv_usec) / 1000) #define TV_ADD_MSEC(tv,t) { \ (tv)->tv_sec += (t) / 1000; \ (tv)->tv_usec += (t) % 1000 * 1000; \ } typedef struct { struct timeval when; bool active; timeout_f handler; } timeout_t; typedef struct { int err; char *cmd; } extcmd_t; /* these are not declared in nsxiv.h, as it causes too many -Wshadow warnings */ arl_t arl; img_t img; tns_t tns; win_t win; appmode_t mode; const XButtonEvent *xbutton_ev; fileinfo_t *files; int filecnt, fileidx; int alternate; int markcnt; int markidx; int prefix; static bool extprefix; static bool resized = false; static struct { extcmd_t f, ft; int fd; pid_t pid; } info; static struct { extcmd_t f; bool warned; } keyhandler; static struct { extcmd_t f; } wintitle; bool title_dirty; static timeout_t timeouts[] = { { { 0, 0 }, false, redraw }, { { 0, 0 }, false, reset_cursor }, { { 0, 0 }, false, slideshow }, { { 0, 0 }, false, animate }, { { 0, 0 }, false, clear_resize }, }; /************************** function implementations **************************/ static void cleanup(void) { img_close(&img, false); arl_cleanup(&arl); tns_free(&tns); win_close(&win); } static bool xgetline(char **lineptr, size_t *n) { ssize_t len = getdelim(lineptr, n, options->using_null ? '\0' : '\n', stdin); if (!options->using_null && len > 0 && (*lineptr)[len-1] == '\n') (*lineptr)[len-1] = '\0'; return len > 0; } static void check_add_file(char *filename, bool given) { char *path; if (*filename == '\0') return; if (access(filename, R_OK) < 0 || (path = realpath(filename, NULL)) == NULL) { if (given) error(0, errno, "%s", filename); return; } if (fileidx == filecnt) { filecnt *= 2; files = erealloc(files, filecnt * sizeof(*files)); memset(&files[filecnt/2], 0, filecnt/2 * sizeof(*files)); } files[fileidx].name = estrdup(filename); files[fileidx].path = path; if (given) files[fileidx].flags |= FF_WARN; fileidx++; } void remove_file(int n, bool manual) { if (n < 0 || n >= filecnt) return; if (filecnt == 1) { if (!manual) fprintf(stderr, "nsxiv: no more files to display, aborting\n"); exit(manual ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); } if (files[n].flags & FF_MARK) markcnt--; if (files[n].path != files[n].name) free((void*) files[n].path); free((void*) files[n].name); if (n + 1 < filecnt) { if (tns.thumbs != NULL) { if (tns.thumbs[n].im != NULL) { imlib_context_set_image(tns.thumbs[n].im); imlib_free_image_and_decache(); } memmove(tns.thumbs + n, tns.thumbs + n + 1, (filecnt - n - 1) * sizeof(*tns.thumbs)); memset(tns.thumbs + filecnt - 1, 0, sizeof(*tns.thumbs)); } memmove(files + n, files + n + 1, (filecnt - n - 1) * sizeof(*files)); } filecnt--; if (fileidx > n || fileidx == filecnt) fileidx--; if (alternate > n || alternate == filecnt) alternate--; if (markidx > n || markidx == filecnt) markidx--; } void set_timeout(timeout_f handler, int time, bool overwrite) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRLEN(timeouts); i++) { if (timeouts[i].handler == handler) { if (!timeouts[i].active || overwrite) { gettimeofday(&timeouts[i].when, 0); TV_ADD_MSEC(&timeouts[i].when, time); timeouts[i].active = true; } return; } } } void reset_timeout(timeout_f handler) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRLEN(timeouts); i++) { if (timeouts[i].handler == handler) { timeouts[i].active = false; return; } } } static bool check_timeouts(int *t) { int i = 0, tdiff, tmin = -1; struct timeval now; while (i < ARRLEN(timeouts)) { if (timeouts[i].active) { gettimeofday(&now, 0); tdiff = TV_DIFF(&timeouts[i].when, &now); if (tdiff <= 0) { timeouts[i].active = false; if (timeouts[i].handler != NULL) timeouts[i].handler(); i = tmin = -1; } else if (tmin < 0 || tdiff < tmin) { tmin = tdiff; } } i++; } if (tmin > 0 && t != NULL) *t = tmin; return tmin > 0; } static size_t get_win_title(char *buf, size_t len) { char *argv[8]; spawn_t pfd; char w[12] = "", h[12] = "", z[12] = "", fidx[12], fcnt[12]; ssize_t n = -1; if (wintitle.f.err || buf == NULL || len == 0) return 0; if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { snprintf(w, ARRLEN(w), "%d", img.w); snprintf(h, ARRLEN(h), "%d", img.h); snprintf(z, ARRLEN(z), "%d", (int)(img.zoom * 100)); } snprintf(fidx, ARRLEN(fidx), "%d", fileidx+1); snprintf(fcnt, ARRLEN(fcnt), "%d", filecnt); construct_argv(argv, ARRLEN(argv), wintitle.f.cmd, files[fileidx].path, fidx, fcnt, w, h, z, NULL); pfd = spawn(wintitle.f.cmd, argv, X_READ); if (pfd.readfd >= 0) { if ((n = read(pfd.readfd, buf, len-1)) > 0) buf[n] = '\0'; close(pfd.readfd); } return MAX(0, n); } void close_info(void) { if (info.fd != -1) { kill(info.pid, SIGTERM); close(info.fd); info.fd = -1; } } void open_info(void) { spawn_t pfd; char w[12] = "", h[12] = ""; char *argv[6]; char *cmd = mode == MODE_IMAGE ? info.f.cmd : info.ft.cmd; bool ferr = mode == MODE_IMAGE ? info.f.err : info.ft.err; if (ferr || info.fd >= 0 || win.bar.h == 0) return; win.bar.l.buf[0] = '\0'; if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { snprintf(w, sizeof(w), "%d", img.w); snprintf(h, sizeof(h), "%d", img.h); } construct_argv(argv, ARRLEN(argv), cmd, files[fileidx].name, w, h, files[fileidx].path, NULL); pfd = spawn(cmd, argv, X_READ); if (pfd.readfd >= 0) { fcntl(pfd.readfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); info.fd = pfd.readfd; info.pid = pfd.pid; } } static void read_info(void) { ssize_t i, n; if ((n = read(info.fd, win.bar.l.buf, win.bar.l.size - 1)) > 0) { win.bar.l.buf[n] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (win.bar.l.buf[i] == '\n') win.bar.l.buf[i] = ' '; } win_draw(&win); } close_info(); } void load_image(int new) { bool prev = new < fileidx; static int current; if (new < 0 || new >= filecnt) return; if (win.xwin != None) win_set_cursor(&win, CURSOR_WATCH); reset_timeout(slideshow); if (new != current) alternate = current; img_close(&img, false); while (!img_load(&img, &files[new])) { remove_file(new, false); if (new >= filecnt) new = filecnt - 1; else if (new > 0 && prev) new--; } files[new].flags &= ~FF_WARN; fileidx = current = new; close_info(); open_info(); arl_setup(&arl, files[fileidx].path); title_dirty = true; if (img.multi.cnt > 0 && img.multi.animate) set_timeout(animate, img.multi.frames[img.multi.sel].delay, true); else reset_timeout(animate); } bool mark_image(int n, bool on) { markidx = n; if (!!(files[n].flags & FF_MARK) != on) { files[n].flags ^= FF_MARK; markcnt += on ? 1 : -1; if (mode == MODE_THUMB) tns_mark(&tns, n, on); if (options->to_stdout_count == markcnt) cg_quit(0); return true; } return false; } static void bar_put(win_bar_t *bar, const char *fmt, ...) { size_t len = bar->size - (bar->p - bar->buf), n; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); n = vsnprintf(bar->p, len, fmt, ap); bar->p += MIN(len, n); va_end(ap); } static void update_info(void) { unsigned int i, fn, fw; const char *mark; win_bar_t *l = &win.bar.l, *r = &win.bar.r; /* update bar contents */ if (win.bar.h == 0 || extprefix) return; for (fw = 0, i = filecnt; i > 0; fw++, i /= 10); mark = files[fileidx].flags & FF_MARK ? "* " : ""; l->p = l->buf; r->p = r->buf; if (mode == MODE_THUMB) { if (tns.loadnext < tns.end) bar_put(l, "Loading... %0*d", fw, tns.loadnext + 1); else if (tns.initnext < filecnt) bar_put(l, "Caching... %0*d", fw, tns.initnext + 1); else if (info.ft.err) strncpy(l->buf, files[fileidx].name, l->size); bar_put(r, "%s%0*d/%d", mark, fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt); } else { bar_put(r, "%s", mark); if (img.ss.on) { if (img.ss.delay % 10 != 0) bar_put(r, "%2.1fs" BAR_SEP, (float)img.ss.delay / 10); else bar_put(r, "%ds" BAR_SEP, img.ss.delay / 10); } if (img.gamma) bar_put(r, "G%+d" BAR_SEP, img.gamma); bar_put(r, "%3d%%" BAR_SEP, (int) (img.zoom * 100.0)); if (img.multi.cnt > 0) { for (fn = 0, i = img.multi.cnt; i > 0; fn++, i /= 10); bar_put(r, "%0*d/%d" BAR_SEP, fn, img.multi.sel + 1, img.multi.cnt); } bar_put(r, "%0*d/%d", fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt); if (info.f.err) strncpy(l->buf, files[fileidx].name, l->size); } } int nav_button(void) { int x, y, nw; if (NAV_WIDTH == 0) return 1; win_cursor_pos(&win, &x, &y); nw = NAV_IS_REL ? win.w * NAV_WIDTH / 100 : NAV_WIDTH; nw = MIN(nw, (win.w + 1) / 2); if (x < nw) return 0; else if (x < win.w-nw) return 1; else return 2; } void redraw(void) { int t; if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { img_render(&img); if (img.ss.on) { t = img.ss.delay * 100; if (img.multi.cnt > 0 && img.multi.animate) t = MAX(t, img.multi.length); set_timeout(slideshow, t, false); } } else { tns_render(&tns); } update_info(); if (title_dirty) { size_t n; char buf[512]; if ((n = get_win_title(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) win_set_title(&win, buf, n); title_dirty = false; } win_draw(&win); reset_timeout(redraw); reset_cursor(); } void reset_cursor(void) { int c; unsigned int i; cursor_t cursor = CURSOR_NONE; if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { for (i = 0; i < ARRLEN(timeouts); i++) { if (timeouts[i].handler == reset_cursor) { if (timeouts[i].active) { c = nav_button(); c = MAX(fileidx > 0 ? 0 : 1, c); c = MIN(fileidx + 1 < filecnt ? 2 : 1, c); cursor = imgcursor[c]; } break; } } } else { if (tns.loadnext < tns.end || tns.initnext < filecnt) cursor = CURSOR_WATCH; else cursor = CURSOR_ARROW; } win_set_cursor(&win, cursor); } void animate(void) { if (img_frame_animate(&img)) { set_timeout(animate, img.multi.frames[img.multi.sel].delay, true); redraw(); } } void slideshow(void) { load_image(fileidx + 1 < filecnt ? fileidx + 1 : 0); redraw(); } void clear_resize(void) { resized = false; } static Bool is_input_ev(Display *dpy, XEvent *ev, XPointer arg) { return ev->type == ButtonPress || ev->type == KeyPress; } void handle_key_handler(bool init) { extprefix = init; if (win.bar.h == 0) return; if (init) { close_info(); snprintf(win.bar.l.buf, win.bar.l.size, "Getting key handler input " "(%s to abort)...", XKeysymToString(KEYHANDLER_ABORT)); } else { /* abort */ open_info(); update_info(); } win_draw(&win); } static bool run_key_handler(const char *key, unsigned int mask) { FILE *pfs; bool marked = mode == MODE_THUMB && markcnt > 0; bool changed = false; int f, i; int fcnt = marked ? markcnt : 1; char kstr[32]; struct stat *oldst, st; XEvent dump; char *argv[3]; spawn_t pfd; if (keyhandler.f.err) { if (!keyhandler.warned) { error(0, keyhandler.f.err, "%s", keyhandler.f.cmd); keyhandler.warned = true; } return false; } if (key == NULL) return false; close_info(); strncpy(win.bar.l.buf, "Running key handler...", win.bar.l.size); win_draw(&win); win_set_cursor(&win, CURSOR_WATCH); setenv("NSXIV_USING_NULL", options->using_null ? "1" : "0", 1); snprintf(kstr, sizeof(kstr), "%s%s%s%s", mask & ControlMask ? "C-" : "", mask & Mod1Mask ? "M-" : "", mask & ShiftMask ? "S-" : "", key); construct_argv(argv, ARRLEN(argv), keyhandler.f.cmd, kstr, NULL); pfd = spawn(keyhandler.f.cmd, argv, X_WRITE); if (pfd.writefd < 0) return false; if ((pfs = fdopen(pfd.writefd, "w")) == NULL) { error(0, errno, "open pipe"); close(pfd.writefd); return false; } oldst = emalloc(fcnt * sizeof(*oldst)); for (f = i = 0; f < fcnt; i++) { if ((marked && (files[i].flags & FF_MARK)) || (!marked && i == fileidx)) { stat(files[i].path, &oldst[f]); fprintf(pfs, "%s%c", files[i].name, options->using_null ? '\0' : '\n'); f++; } } fclose(pfs); while (waitpid(pfd.pid, NULL, 0) == -1 && errno == EINTR); for (f = i = 0; f < fcnt; i++) { if ((marked && (files[i].flags & FF_MARK)) || (!marked && i == fileidx)) { if (stat(files[i].path, &st) != 0 || memcmp(&oldst[f].st_mtime, &st.st_mtime, sizeof(st.st_mtime)) != 0) { if (tns.thumbs != NULL) { tns_unload(&tns, i); tns.loadnext = MIN(tns.loadnext, i); } changed = true; } f++; } } /* drop user input events that occurred while running the key handler */ while (XCheckIfEvent(win.env.dpy, &dump, is_input_ev, NULL)); if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { if (changed) { img_close(&img, true); load_image(fileidx); } } if (mode == MODE_THUMB || !changed) open_info(); free(oldst); reset_cursor(); return true; } static bool process_bindings(const keymap_t *bindings, unsigned int len, KeySym ksym_or_button, unsigned int state, unsigned int implicit_mod) { unsigned int i; bool dirty = false; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (bindings[i].ksym_or_button == ksym_or_button && MODMASK(bindings[i].mask | implicit_mod) == MODMASK(state) && bindings[i].cmd.func && (bindings[i].cmd.mode == MODE_ALL || bindings[i].cmd.mode == mode)) { if (bindings[i].cmd.func(bindings[i].arg)) dirty = true; } } return dirty; } static void on_keypress(XKeyEvent *kev) { unsigned int sh = 0; KeySym ksym, shksym; char dummy, key; bool dirty = false; XLookupString(kev, &key, 1, &ksym, NULL); if (kev->state & ShiftMask) { kev->state &= ~ShiftMask; XLookupString(kev, &dummy, 1, &shksym, NULL); kev->state |= ShiftMask; if (ksym != shksym) sh = ShiftMask; } if (IsModifierKey(ksym)) return; if (extprefix && ksym == KEYHANDLER_ABORT && MODMASK(kev->state) == 0) { handle_key_handler(false); } else if (extprefix) { if ((dirty = run_key_handler(XKeysymToString(ksym), kev->state & ~sh))) extprefix = false; else handle_key_handler(false); } else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') { /* number prefix for commands */ prefix = prefix * 10 + (int) (key - '0'); return; } else { dirty = process_bindings(keys, ARRLEN(keys), ksym, kev->state, sh); } if (dirty) redraw(); prefix = 0; } static void on_buttonpress(const XButtonEvent *bev) { bool dirty = false; if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { set_timeout(reset_cursor, TO_CURSOR_HIDE, true); reset_cursor(); dirty = process_bindings(buttons_img, ARRLEN(buttons_img), bev->button, bev->state, 0); } else { /* thumbnail mode */ dirty = process_bindings(buttons_tns, ARRLEN(buttons_tns), bev->button, bev->state, 0); } if (dirty) redraw(); prefix = 0; } static void run(void) { enum { FD_X, FD_INFO, FD_ARL, FD_CNT }; struct pollfd pfd[FD_CNT]; int timeout = 0; const struct timespec ten_ms = {0, 10000000}; bool discard, init_thumb, load_thumb, to_set; XEvent ev, nextev; xbutton_ev = &ev.xbutton; while (true) { to_set = check_timeouts(&timeout); init_thumb = mode == MODE_THUMB && tns.initnext < filecnt; load_thumb = mode == MODE_THUMB && tns.loadnext < tns.end; if ((init_thumb || load_thumb || to_set || info.fd != -1 || arl.fd != -1) && XPending(win.env.dpy) == 0) { if (load_thumb) { set_timeout(redraw, TO_REDRAW_THUMBS, false); if (!tns_load(&tns, tns.loadnext, false, false)) { remove_file(tns.loadnext, false); tns.dirty = true; } if (tns.loadnext >= tns.end) redraw(); } else if (init_thumb) { set_timeout(redraw, TO_REDRAW_THUMBS, false); if (!tns_load(&tns, tns.initnext, false, true)) remove_file(tns.initnext, false); } else { pfd[FD_X].fd = ConnectionNumber(win.env.dpy); pfd[FD_INFO].fd = info.fd; pfd[FD_ARL].fd = arl.fd; pfd[FD_X].events = pfd[FD_INFO].events = pfd[FD_ARL].events = POLLIN; if (poll(pfd, ARRLEN(pfd), to_set ? timeout : -1) < 0) continue; if (pfd[FD_INFO].revents & POLLIN) read_info(); if (pfd[FD_ARL].revents & POLLIN) { if (arl_handle(&arl)) { /* when too fast, imlib2 can't load the image */ nanosleep(&ten_ms, NULL); img_close(&img, true); load_image(fileidx); redraw(); } } } continue; } do { XNextEvent(win.env.dpy, &ev); discard = false; if (XEventsQueued(win.env.dpy, QueuedAlready) > 0) { XPeekEvent(win.env.dpy, &nextev); switch (ev.type) { case ConfigureNotify: case MotionNotify: discard = ev.type == nextev.type; break; case KeyPress: discard = (nextev.type == KeyPress || nextev.type == KeyRelease) && ev.xkey.keycode == nextev.xkey.keycode; break; } } } while (discard); switch (ev.type) { /* handle events */ case ButtonPress: on_buttonpress(&ev.xbutton); break; case ClientMessage: if ((Atom) ev.xclient.data.l[0] == atoms[ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW]) cg_quit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case DestroyNotify: cg_quit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case ConfigureNotify: if (win_configure(&win, &ev.xconfigure)) { if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { img.dirty = true; img.checkpan = true; } else { tns.dirty = true; } if (!resized) { redraw(); set_timeout(clear_resize, TO_REDRAW_RESIZE, false); resized = true; } else { set_timeout(redraw, TO_REDRAW_RESIZE, false); } } break; case KeyPress: on_keypress(&ev.xkey); break; case MotionNotify: if (mode == MODE_IMAGE) { set_timeout(reset_cursor, TO_CURSOR_HIDE, true); reset_cursor(); } break; } } } static int fncmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcoll(((fileinfo_t*) a)->name, ((fileinfo_t*) b)->name); } static void sigchld(int sig) { while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); } static void setup_signal(int sig, void (*handler)(int sig)) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = handler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_NOCLDSTOP; if (sigaction(sig, &sa, 0) == -1) error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "signal %d", sig); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, start; size_t n; char *filename; const char *homedir, *dsuffix = ""; struct stat fstats; r_dir_t dir; setup_signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld); setup_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, ""); parse_options(argc, argv); if (options->clean_cache) { tns_init(&tns, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); tns_clean_cache(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (options->filecnt == 0 && !options->from_stdin) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (options->recursive || options->from_stdin) filecnt = 1024; else filecnt = options->filecnt; files = ecalloc(filecnt, sizeof(*files)); fileidx = 0; if (options->from_stdin) { n = 0; filename = NULL; while (xgetline(&filename, &n)) check_add_file(filename, true); free(filename); } for (i = 0; i < options->filecnt; i++) { filename = options->filenames[i]; if (stat(filename, &fstats) < 0) { error(0, errno, "%s", filename); continue; } if (!S_ISDIR(fstats.st_mode)) { check_add_file(filename, true); } else { if (r_opendir(&dir, filename, options->recursive) < 0) { error(0, errno, "%s", filename); continue; } start = fileidx; while ((filename = r_readdir(&dir, true)) != NULL) { check_add_file(filename, false); free((void*) filename); } r_closedir(&dir); if (fileidx - start > 1) qsort(files + start, fileidx - start, sizeof(fileinfo_t), fncmp); } } if (fileidx == 0) error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "No valid image file given, aborting"); filecnt = fileidx; fileidx = options->startnum < filecnt ? options->startnum : 0; win_init(&win); img_init(&img, &win); arl_init(&arl); if ((homedir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) == NULL || homedir[0] == '\0') { homedir = getenv("HOME"); dsuffix = "/.config"; } if (homedir != NULL) { extcmd_t *cmd[] = { &info.f, &info.ft, &keyhandler.f, &wintitle.f }; const char *name[] = { "image-info", "thumb-info", "key-handler", "win-title" }; const char *s = "/nsxiv/exec/"; for (i = 0; i < ARRLEN(cmd); i++) { n = strlen(homedir) + strlen(dsuffix) + strlen(s) + strlen(name[i]) + 1; cmd[i]->cmd = emalloc(n); snprintf(cmd[i]->cmd, n, "%s%s%s%s", homedir, dsuffix, s, name[i]); if (access(cmd[i]->cmd, X_OK) != 0) cmd[i]->err = errno; } } else { error(0, 0, "Exec directory not found"); } info.fd = -1; if (options->thumb_mode) { mode = MODE_THUMB; tns_init(&tns, files, &filecnt, &fileidx, &win); while (!tns_load(&tns, fileidx, false, false)) remove_file(fileidx, false); } else { mode = MODE_IMAGE; tns.thumbs = NULL; load_image(fileidx); } win_open(&win); win_set_cursor(&win, CURSOR_WATCH); atexit(cleanup); set_timeout(redraw, 25, false); run(); return 0; }