# sds - sinan's dmenu scripts [dmenu](https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/) is a fast and lightweight dynamic menu for X written by the [suckless](https://suckless.org/) community. this is my collection of posix scripts for dmenu. these scripts might use [nerd fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com/), make sure you've installed them for the best experience. you can find more info about them below ## damb - dmenu ambience listen to ambient music while working on somthing fun. audio files should be stored at ~/.local/share/damb/. damb also has a config file located at ~/.conf/damb/links, where you can provide direct links to media sources or links to youtube-dl supported sites, it should be in the format \ = \, you can also play links from your clipboard using the stream option. mix together varous ambient sounds and stream with damb ## pirowatch pirowatch is a dmenu wrapper for [web torrent](https://webtorrent.io/), provide magnet or torrent files as command line argument or input from dmenu and consoom the media using [mpv](https://mpv.io/) ## 1337x scraper for 1337x.to, has an optional dependency on pirowatch. if you pass "-o" as the first argument it'll print the scraped magnet link to stdin otherwise it will pass the magnet link to pirowatch ## yts scraper for yts.mx, has an optional dependency on pirowatch. if you pass "-o" as the first argument it'll print the scraped torrent link to stdin otherwise it will pass the link to pirowatch ## vpn dmenu wrapper for wireguard, depends on wip ## wip - what is my ip wip queries host's ipv4 address using opendns and displays the ip details using the geoip database