diff options
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/stikman b/stikman
index 1664041..b43e505 100755..100644
--- a/stikman
+++ b/stikman
@@ -46,160 +46,160 @@ EOF
get_stick_grp() {
- find "$stick_path" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' | dmenu -p "select sticker pack" -l 25
+ find "$stick_path" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' | dmenu -p "select sticker pack" -l 25
get_stick() {
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- if [ -z "$stick_grp" ]
- then
- notify-send "stikman" "stickers are not installed :( \nrun stikman help"
- printf "stickers are not installed :( \nrun stikman help\n"
- exit
- fi
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ if [ -z "$stick_grp" ]
+ then
+ notify-send "stikman" "stickers are not installed :( \nrun stikman help"
+ printf "stickers are not installed :( \nrun stikman help\n"
+ exit
+ fi
- "$image_picker" -bfqrto -k 1 "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1
+ "$image_picker" -bfqrto -k 1 "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1
coom() {
- convert "$1" \
- -strip \
- -quality 70% \
- -resize "$output_resolution" \
- "$output_path"/sticker."$output_format"
+ convert "$1" \
+ -strip \
+ -quality 70% \
+ -resize "$output_resolution" \
+ "$output_path"/sticker."$output_format"
to_webp() {
- dep_ck "mogrify"
- mogrify \
- -strip \
- -resize "$stick_resolution" \
- -path "$1" \
- -format webp ./"$2"/*.jpeg ./"$2"/*.jpg ./"$2"/*.png ./"$2"/*.heif ./"$2"/*.heic ./"$2"/*.avif > /dev/null 2>&1
+ dep_ck "mogrify"
+ mogrify \
+ -strip \
+ -resize "$stick_resolution" \
+ -path "$1" \
+ -format webp ./"$2"/*.jpeg ./"$2"/*.jpg ./"$2"/*.png ./"$2"/*.heif ./"$2"/*.heic ./"$2"/*.avif > /dev/null 2>&1
input_stick() {
- printf "file://%s/sticker.%s" "$output_path" "$output_format" | xclip -selection clipboard -t text/uri-list
- xdotool key a
- xdotool key BackSpace
- xdotool key ctrl+v
- sleep "$output_wait_time" && xdotool key enter
+ printf "file://%s/sticker.%s" "$output_path" "$output_format" | xclip -selection clipboard -t text/uri-list
+ xdotool key a
+ xdotool key BackSpace
+ xdotool key ctrl+v
+ sleep "$output_wait_time" && xdotool key enter
dep_ck () {
- for Dep; do
- if ! command -v "$Dep" 1>/dev/null; then
- printf "%s not found. Please install it.\n" "$Dep" >&2
- command -v pacman 1>/dev/null && printf "run pacman -F %s to see which program they belong to\n" "$Dep"
- exit
- fi
- done
- unset Dep
+ for Dep; do
+ if ! command -v "$Dep" 1>/dev/null; then
+ printf "%s not found. Please install it.\n" "$Dep" >&2
+ command -v pacman 1>/dev/null && printf "run pacman -F %s to see which program they belong to\n" "$Dep"
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
+ unset Dep
get_pack_name() {
- basename "$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 1d | tail -n 1)"
+ basename "$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 1d | tail -n 1)"
pack_install() {
- [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
- dep_ck "unzip"
- [ ! -d "$stick_path" ] && mkdir -p "$stick_path"
- mkdir -p "$output_path"/installing
- unzip -d "$output_path"/installing "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
- pack_name="$(get_pack_name "$output_path"/installing)"
- if [ -z "$pack_name" ] || [ -n "${pack_name##*[!0-9]*}" ]
- then
- pack_name=${1%.zip}
- mkdir "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
- mv "$output_path"/installing/* "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
- else
- cp -r "$output_path"/installing/"$pack_name" "$stick_path"
- fi
+ [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
+ dep_ck "unzip"
+ [ ! -d "$stick_path" ] && mkdir -p "$stick_path"
+ mkdir -p "$output_path"/installing
+ unzip -d "$output_path"/installing "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ pack_name="$(get_pack_name "$output_path"/installing)"
+ if [ -z "$pack_name" ] || [ -n "${pack_name##*[!0-9]*}" ]
+ then
+ pack_name=${1%.zip}
+ mkdir "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
+ mv "$output_path"/installing/* "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
+ else
+ cp -r "$output_path"/installing/"$pack_name" "$stick_path"
+ fi
- to_webp "$stick_path"/"$pack_name" "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
- cd "$stick_path"/"$pack_name" || exit
- rm ./*.jpeg ./*.jpg ./*.png ./*.heif ./*.heic ./*.avif > /dev/null 2>&1
- rm -r "$output_path"/installing
+ to_webp "$stick_path"/"$pack_name" "$stick_path"/"$pack_name"
+ cd "$stick_path"/"$pack_name" || exit
+ rm ./*.jpeg ./*.jpg ./*.png ./*.heif ./*.heic ./*.avif > /dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r "$output_path"/installing
pack_remove() {
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- [ -n "$stick_grp" ] && rm -r "${stick_path:?}"/"$stick_grp" &&
- printf "sticker pack %s was successfully removed\n" "$stick_grp"
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ [ -n "$stick_grp" ] && rm -r "${stick_path:?}"/"$stick_grp" &&
+ printf "sticker pack %s was successfully removed\n" "$stick_grp"
get_upload_location() {
- echo "$upload_locations" | shuf -n1 | tr -d ' '
+ echo "$upload_locations" | shuf -n1 | tr -d ' '
pack_share() {
- dep_ck "curl"
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- cd "$stick_path" || exit
- zip -r "$output_path"/share.zip "$stick_grp" > /dev/null 2>&1
- cd "$output_path" || exit
- curl -F'file=@share.zip' "$(get_upload_location)" | tr -d '\n' | xclip -sel clip
- rm share.zip
- notify-send "stikman" "output coppied to clipboard"
+ dep_ck "curl"
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ cd "$stick_path" || exit
+ zip -r "$output_path"/share.zip "$stick_grp" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ cd "$output_path" || exit
+ curl -F'file=@share.zip' "$(get_upload_location)" | tr -d '\n' | xclip -sel clip
+ rm share.zip
+ notify-send "stikman" "output coppied to clipboard"
pack_fetch() {
- [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
- dep_ck "curl"
- curl -o "$output_path"/shared.zip "$1"
- pack_install "$output_path"/shared.zip
- rm "$output_path"/shared.zip
+ [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
+ dep_ck "curl"
+ curl -o "$output_path"/shared.zip "$1"
+ pack_install "$output_path"/shared.zip
+ rm "$output_path"/shared.zip
pack_view() {
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- "$image_picker" -bfrt "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp"
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ "$image_picker" -bfrt "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp"
pack_rename() {
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- new_name="$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter new pack name")"
- mv "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp" "$stick_path"/"$new_name"
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ new_name="$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter new pack name")"
+ mv "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp" "$stick_path"/"$new_name"
pack_create() {
- [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
- printf "converting files...\n"
- mkdir -p "$stick_path"/"$1"
- to_webp "$stick_path"/"$1" "$1"
- cp "$1"/*.webp "$stick_path"/"$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
+ printf "converting files...\n"
+ mkdir -p "$stick_path"/"$1"
+ to_webp "$stick_path"/"$1" "$1"
+ cp "$1"/*.webp "$stick_path"/"$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
stick_add() {
- [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
- stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
- convert -strip \
- -resize "$stick_resolution" \
- "$1" "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp"/"${1%.*}".webp
+ [ -z "$1" ] && { print_help; exit; }
+ stick_grp="$(get_stick_grp)"
+ convert -strip \
+ -resize "$stick_resolution" \
+ "$1" "$stick_path"/"$stick_grp"/"${1%.*}".webp
main() {
- dep_ck "convert" "xdotool" "xclip" "$image_picker" "dmenu"
- [ ! -d "$output_path" ] && mkdir -p "$output_path"
- # rm "$output_path"/sticker."$output_format"
- stick_sel="$(get_stick)"
- coom "$stick_sel"
- input_stick
+ dep_ck "convert" "xdotool" "xclip" "$image_picker" "dmenu"
+ [ ! -d "$output_path" ] && mkdir -p "$output_path"
+ # rm "$output_path"/sticker."$output_format"
+ stick_sel="$(get_stick)"
+ coom "$stick_sel"
+ input_stick
case "$1" in
- "") main ;;
- install) pack_install "$2" ;;
- rm) pack_remove ;;
- view) pack_view ;;
- rename) pack_rename ;;
- add) stick_add "$2";;
- share) pack_share ;;
- fetch) pack_fetch "$2" ;;
- create) pack_create "$2" ;;
- help) print_help ;;
- *) print_help;;
+ "") main ;;
+ install) pack_install "$2" ;;
+ rm) pack_remove ;;
+ view) pack_view ;;
+ rename) pack_rename ;;
+ add) stick_add "$2";;
+ share) pack_share ;;
+ fetch) pack_fetch "$2" ;;
+ create) pack_create "$2" ;;
+ help) print_help ;;
+ *) print_help;;