#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2022 The LineageOS Project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # from functools import cmp_to_key from locale import LC_ALL, setlocale, strcoll from pathlib import Path FILES = [Path(file) for file in [ "proprietary-files.txt", ]] setlocale(LC_ALL, "C") def strcoll_extract_utils(string1: str, string2: str) -> int: # Skip logic if one of the string if empty if not string1 or not string2: return strcoll(string1, string2) # Remove '-' from strings if there, # it is used to indicate a build target string1 = string1.removeprefix('-') string2 = string2.removeprefix('-') # If no directories, compare normally if not "/" in string1 and not "/" in string2: return strcoll(string1, string2) string1_dir = string1.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/" string2_dir = string2.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/" if string1_dir == string2_dir: # Same directory, compare normally return strcoll(string1, string2) if string1_dir.startswith(string2_dir): # First string dir is a subdirectory of the second one, # return string1 > string2 return -1 if string2_dir.startswith(string1_dir): # Second string dir is a subdirectory of the first one, # return string2 > string1 return 1 # Compare normally return strcoll(string1, string2) for file in FILES: if not file.is_file(): print(f"File {str(file)} not found") continue with open(file, 'r') as f: sections = f.read().split("\n\n") ordered_sections = [] for section in sections: section_list = [line.strip() for line in section.splitlines()] section_list.sort(key=cmp_to_key(strcoll_extract_utils)) ordered_sections.append("\n".join(section_list)) with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write("\n\n".join(ordered_sections).strip() + "\n")