path: root/README.md
blob: 910c9f4b8ac762dd1e43507713f3039e4ba5dbc7 (plain) (tree)








stikman brings platform independent stickers for the desktop

## Showcase (using telegram and element/matrix)

## Why
Generally you can only use a given set of stickers within the chat program they were made for. stikman make it easy to use the same sticker set across multiple chat programs. there is also lack of proper support for stickers in chat platforms like element/matrix, its a lot of work and you need a self hosted server, stikman makes it easy. now that matrix basically have bridges for every other chat platform  when i asked whats holding people back from switching to it in couple of rooms most of them said this, stikman comes with all the features you would expect from it sticker sharing, creation etc... .now its one less thing to worry about when choosing your preferred chat program

## Notes

apply [this](https://gitlab.com/sinanmohd/stikman/-/blob/master/nout-sxiv.patch) patch to sxiv or use the patched version [here](https://gitlab.com/sinanmohd/nsxiv) for a more seamless experience, it'll automatically quit sxiv after sticker selection

## Installation
git clone https://gitlab/sinanmohd/stikman
cd stikman
sudo make install

## Usage

* launch stikman using a key binding daemon like [sxhkd](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sxhkd) and select a sticker using `m` or right click. additionally quit using `q` if you didint apply the [nout sxiv patch](https://gitlab.com/sinanmohd/stikman/-/blob/master/nout-sxiv.patch)

stikman install <pack.zip>      install sticker pack
stikman rm                      remove sticker pack
stikman view                    view sticker pack
stikman add     <image file>    add a new item to sticker pack 
stikman share                   get a shareable link for sticker pack
stikman rename                  rename a sticker pack
stikman fetch   <link>          install pack from a link 
stikman create  <directory>     make pack from images inside the directory
stikman help                    print this menu 

## Dependencies

* [`sxiv`](https://codeberg.org/nsxiv/nsxiv)
* [`dmenu`](https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/)
* [`imagemagick`](https://imagemagick.org/index.php)
* [`xclip`](https://github.com/astrand/xclip)
* [`xdotool`](https://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool)

## Optional dependencies

* [`curl`](https://github.com/curl/curl) (for sharing and downloading sticker packs)
* [`zip`](http://www.info-zip.org/Zip.html) (for sharing sticker packs)
* [`unzip`](http://infozip.sourceforge.net/UnZip.html) (for installing sticker packs)

## FAQ

* how do i import telegram stickers ?

send telegram sticker link to any sticker downloader bot (eg: [@downloader_sticker_bot](https://t.me/downloader_sticker_bot), [@DownloadStickersBot](https://t.me/DownloadStickersBot)), download the zip file and install them using `stikman install file.zip`