path: root/rro_overlays/FrameworksResOverlayVeux/res/values
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* veux: correct maximum and minimum brightness values based on the kernel drive...HEADlineage-20.0sinanmohd2023-01-081-2/+2
* veux: overlay: Correct SystemUI apk name and path for pinner serviceRuchit Marathe2023-01-051-1/+1
* veux: overlay: Move to product partitionAhmad Rulim2023-01-051-1/+1
* veux: overlay: Set new dimension values to the frameworkkleidione Freitas2023-01-051-5/+12
* veux: overlay: Set Interactive mode from display to falsekleidione Freitas2023-01-051-1/+1
* veux: overlay: Switch to AVC 3.1 for screen recordingLinkBoi002023-01-051-0/+5
* veux: Tweak color mode and drop saturated inputkleidione Freitas2023-01-051-4/+1
* veux: Set up display color compositionsAlbert I2023-01-051-0/+37
* veux: overlay: Fix Video Callingkiranpranay2023-01-051-0/+3
* veux: overlay: Add reboot_fastboot action to power menuLuK13372023-01-051-0/+9
* veux: overlay: Configure camera cutoutAdarshGrewal2023-01-051-23/+41
* veux: overlay: Improved margin and status bar paddingkleidione Freitas2023-01-051-3/+3
* veux: overlay: Set default value night display color temperaturekleidione Freitas2023-01-051-0/+4
* veux: Unpin updatable-media from memorySantiago Seifert2023-01-051-1/+0
* veux: Fix display flicker after exiting AD/AODAlex Cruz2023-01-051-0/+6
* veux: overlay: Setup burnIn protection overlaysXiNGRZ2023-01-051-0/+16
* veux: Set config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay to truekubersharma0012023-01-051-0/+16
* veux: FrameworksResOverlay: Import and set more defaultskubersharma0012023-01-051-12/+129
* veux: Remove config_jitzygoteBootImagePinnerServiceFiles listkubersharma0012023-01-051-11/+0
* veux: Switch to AOSP WFDkubersharma0012023-01-051-1/+1
* veux: overlay: Enable burn-in protection for status/navbarPark Ju Hyung2023-01-051-0/+3
* veux: overlay: Rebrand and import veux configkleidione Freitas2022-11-092-0/+654